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woensdag, juni 06, 2007

Verdammt nog mal!

Red wees mij op dit berichtje. Echt zoiets, waarvan je denkt, dat gebeurt alleen in films (denk 'Dumb and dumber'). Maar verdomd. Dan blijkt maar weer; je kan het zo gek niet verzinnen of het gebeurt. Of nog gekker. Zoals ook blijkt uit de rubriek opmerkelijk op nu.nl, waar het bericht uit afkomstig is.


Anonymous Anoniem said...


I love you and I enjoy your blog tremendously, but I have to tell you that I find it in incredibly poor taste to make fun of an old man who had a horrible, painful accident. There is nothing funny about it and making light of it is immature and frankly, I would think, below you.

Didn't he nearly bleed to death? Wasn't he in surgery for 8 hours while they repaired the damage to his body? Do you think he'll ever be the same again...physically, maybe even mentally? Can you imagine how he feels EJ?

You know EJ, it just could be that you don't really realize yet that you too are going to be old one day. When you do realize that, when you reach that level of maturity, maybe then you'll realize that not everything should be turned into a joke.

So...I just ripped you a new asshole, eh? Only appropriate considering the circumstances.

your friend, Sally

10:30 p.m.  
Blogger ejpeg said...

Sports bloopers are also not your thing I guess…

But point taken. I edited the 'Dan blijkt maar weer "geen beter vermaak, dan leedvermaak"!' remake, which was in poor taste.

I just can't help myself. My first reaction is to laugh at these kinds of news items. My bad. Maybe I do have a severe character flaw.

8:51 a.m.  

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